Geek Love by Katherine Dunn


Geek Love is the story of the Binewskis, a carny family whos mater- and paterfamilies set out- with the help of amphetamine, arsenic, and radiosopes to breed their own exhibit of human oddities. There’s Arturo the Aqua boy who has flippers for limbs and a megalomaniacal ambition worthy of Genghis Khan… Iphy and Elly, the lissome Siamese twins… albino hunchback Oly…. the outwardly normal Chick, whose mysterious gifts make him the family’s most precious-and dangerous asset.

As the Binewskis take their act across the backwaters of the U.S., inspiring fanatical devotion and murderous revulsion; as it members conduct their own Machiavellian version of sibling rivalry, Geek Love throws its sulfurous light on our notions of the freakish and normal, the beautiful and ugly, the holy and the obscene. Family values will never be the same.

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